Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since my last post. Hopefully that will change. I’ve been pretty busy. You can read about it in the new password-protected pages (contact me personally for the password :P)
I finally have a Mac again – PB G4/800 with enough extras to keep me going for a while. Tiger is cool… except for the shoddy AirPort code. Still haven’t fixed that one.
Waterfront IT progress:
- The current development site is almost ready to go live (with online store, community forums, articles, updated content and a whole lot more
- The mydatahub.com site is also almost ready
- Steve’s site has been moved to Waterfront IT’s hosting server
- Still haven’t heard anything from Sensis (useless…)
- HiveShare.Net is coming along
- I can now sell you copies of NOD32 at a discount (great anti-virus package that)
Uni Progress:
I have a Marketing exam on Monday (completely disinterested towards such a boring subject), followed by Innovation & Entrepreneurship the week after. I’m looking forward to that one – the case study is on Apple :-). I wonder if the lecturer would appreciate quoted references from about a dozen different books on that one…
That’s all for now,